China Association of Performing Arts

From Zhang Zhehan
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The China Association of Performing Arts (CAPA, 中国演出行业协会,中演协) is an umbrella membership organization based in Beijing. Though it falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, it is a private industry association and operates independently of the government.

CAPA published a blacklist notice against ZZH on 815, then placed him on their 9th boycott list on 1123.

  • 朱克宁 Zhu Kening, ZKN, president of CAPA, cleared out his Weibo and Baidupedia entry.
  • 潘燕 Pan Yan, CAPA secretary-general, got rid of her Weibo account
  • 瞿涛 Qu Tao, CAPA livestreaming branch secretary general, was also VP of Six Rooms
  • 李悦 Li Yue, CAPA finance department, cleared out her Weibo, followed many big antis
  • 韩建鸥 Han Jianou, ex-VP of CAPA, owner of Hangzhou Golden Coast Culture Ltd where ZKN is board member

CAPA Henchmen:

  • 汤理迪, Tang Lidi, lawyer Tang, denounced LXZ on Weibo, she owns consulting company in Hangzhou, her relative is a shareholder of the Hangzhou Golden Coast company.
  • 白瀛, Bai Ying, Xinhua Net reporter, published article in support of CAPA punishing immoral artists, member of CAPA ethics committee, his pornographic posts were discovered and he deleted his Weibo.
  • 谢伊华,佳佳,佳姐,Xie Yihua, Jia-jie, Hua-jie, XYH, ZZH’s music manager before August, currently behind the ZSJ public account and the EHz brand.
    • 钮松琦,Abner, Duke, Ishmael, her only son, born 2000, joined in condemning ZZH in August, very active on various social media platforms.
    • 钮承泽,Doze Niu, her brother-in-law, charged with sexual assault in 2018 and sentenced to 4 years in jail in 2021.
    • 谢伊雯,妞妞, Xie Yiwen, her younger sister, shareholder in XYH’s company that owns the EHz trademarks, was faculty of the design school that Susu graduated from.
  • 苏新晨,苏师傅, Su Shifu, SSF, Master Su, works closely with Xie Yihua, rumored to have met her through her son when he was studying in the UK, accused Zhao Wei of throwing ZZH under the bus in August.