
From Zhang Zhehan
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兵哥老马, 马哥, 马大为, Ma Dawei, Ma-ge, military lawyer, military intern. He first became known in the fandom as a "righteous bystander" for vocally supporting Li Xuezheng.


Ma Dawei was an intern lawyer in 迟夙生律师事务所 in 齐齐哈尔 Qiqihar, 黑龙江 Heilongjiang. He acquired his lawyer license in the latter half of 2022. By his own account, he was previously in the military.


By late March 2022, with the announcement of the EHzZ brand, Ma Dawei became openly antagonistic toward Gong Jun, spreading illegal slander and posting in support of Sanke's big V project. In August he posted in support of an account that spread rumors about Zhang Zhehan winning a "music rights" case.

He ran a group chat on Weibo whose admins are all Zhang Zhehan solo fans. Of that group, all of them except one, has openly posted in support of ZSJ.

He changed his Weibo display name and profile photo in April 2022, then changed it again later that year. The initial change may have been due to regulations that forbid using military identity on social media.
