ZSJ biking trip

From Zhang Zhehan
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In August 2022, Zhang Sanjian and three other people went on a bike trip starting in Yunnan. The Zhangzhehan super3 Instagram account reported on the trip daily, with photo and video updates; the same materials but higher quality were then uploaded onto Weibo by Xie Yihua's side accounts and herself, as well as Teng Ziyue. The trip ended with the group seemingly ascending a mountain top at the end of August.

The rest of the page is under construction.

Before the trip

Around the end of July 2022, a rumor was started that airplane tickets were discovered in the names of: Zhang Zhehan, Xiao Yu, Teng Ziyue and his wife.

Trip overview

People involved

Tangentially involved:

Activity timeline

Ascending the mountain

After the trip

  • "documentary" movie
  • trip experiences used in songs and album promotion videos

Discrepancies and controversies

  • state of the biking gear
  • fake plane tickets
  • photo discrepancies (eg. single tire tracks)
  • speed of mountain climbing
  • mountain top sign size discrepancy
  • Hu Xiaolu's involvement
  • timeline discrepancy
  • mountain climbing guide photo
  • Teng Ziyue's wandering IP address

Detailed timeline