Yang Huan

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杨欢,等光回来的老阿姨,要留清白在人间的老阿姨,Yang Huan, Lao Ahyi, senior entertainment brand strategy manager at Songcheng Performance Development Co., Ltd. 宋城演艺 is a CAPA executive unit.

The Weibo account that is believed by fans to have belonged to Zhang Zhehan's mother is mutual follows with her.


The Weibo account 等光回来的老阿姨 (UID: 7691200580) has been a well-known fan account since August 2021. This account previously posted about its original Weibo account, 要留清白在人间的老阿姨 (UID: 2521680475).

The name and phone number associated with this original account is 杨欢 Yang Huan, whose personal details are a match with details Lao Ahyi has revealed about herself publicly:

  • She's middle-aged.
  • She's originally from Zhejiang.
  • She works in the industry as some entertainment brand strategy manager.
  • Her last name Yang.

杨欢 Yang Huan is the senior entertainment brand strategy manager at 宋城演艺 Songcheng Performance Development Co., Ltd.[1]

Yang Huan previously had projects funded by Tencent. In recent years due to the pandemic, many of her projects were cancelled. She is friends with CAPA secretary-general 潘燕 Pan Yan; they were featured in an article together[2].

Songcheng is an executive unit of CAPA[3], as is Tencent.

Fandom Activities

Yang Huan appeared in Zhang Zhehan's fandom as "老阿姨 Lao Ahyi" soon after 813. On August 19, 2021, when fans were warning each other to stay low and avoid bringing more negative attention to Zhang Zhehan, Lao Ahyi was trying to incite fans to anger and using many popular tags associated with official departments and policies.

On August 29, she "revealed" the culprits behind the editing of the Nogi Shrine and Dewi Sukarno Baidupedia articles and claimed that she filed a formal complaint using her real name. There is no record of such a complaint.

Relationship with Xie Yihua

Yang Huan supporting Xie Yihua:

Relationship with Zhang Sanjian

Trying to explain why Zhang Sanjian is so short (claims everyone else in the photo is very tall, including the two girls):

Yang Huan supporting ZSJ

Supporting the merch and the teaware (claims she was unable to buy any because they sold out too quickly):

Threatening buyers (of the tea, teaware, and merch) with legal action if they return products:

Relationship with Zhang Su

Directing people to Zhang Su's livestreaming room:

Relationship with Lexus

Encouraging the Lexus x ZSJ ship. The left photo is from Lexus, the right photo was from Zhang Zhehan's Instagram a few years ago. Yang Huan points out the tabletop, which is white tile in both:

Other Ties

Supporting Sanke and her video made last May trying to turn fans away from Word of Honor (and thus to other dangai drama):

After Exposure

On July 25, 2022, five days after her identity was exposed on Twitter, the Lao Ahyi account turned on protection mode so that the account could no longer be followed (she previously made posts that are only viewable to followers). She stopped posting to her account and has been inactive ever since.
