ZSJ airport sightings

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Timeline of all Zhang Sanjian airport events.

March 13, 2023

Some videos and photos of ZSJ departing from Hangzhou airport accompanied by Xie Yihua. Same wig and baggy pants as three days ago.

A fan posted a photo claiming to have met him at the airport and obtained a signature. However, the signature bears signification differences to Zhang Zhehan's known autograph. The photo of ZSJ shows him holding his pen differently from Zhang, though similar to the person at the teashop fanmeet.

March 10, 2023

Videos and photos were circulated of ZSJ departing from the Beijing airport, then arriving at Hangzhou airport.

The person was wearing baggy clothing, mask, glasses, and what appeared to be a wig. He was wearing the same shirt as the very first ZSJ airport sighting in early 2022. He was accompanied by Xie Yihua.

Fans noticed that the man's head was a completely different shape from Zhang Zhehan's. The man at the airport had a flatter head, a less defined jaw, and a thicker neck.

Comparison with real Zhang Zhehan

March 2, 2023

The ZSJ dedicated daipai 宝哥 livestreamed from the Beijing airport, waiting for ZSJ's arrival. He streamed for over an hour, encouraging fans to give gifts and join his paid group chat. His stream was cut off then resumed after ZSJ landed. Videos and photos were circulated of ZSJ walking through the airport.

The man was wearing baggy clothing, bucket hat, mask, glasses, and height enhancing shoes. He was accompanied by Xie Yihua.

The man's eyelids were visibly swollen and exhibited signs of recent double-eyelid surgery.

February 8, 2023

Photos and video were circulated of ZSJ arriving at the Shanghai airport. The man was wearing baggy clothing, a hood, a mask, height enhancing shoes, and carrying a jellyfish doll.

The man's mole under his right eye appeared to be much too dark and in the wrong place. Unairbrushed photos show his nose with a different color and texture than the rest of his face, indicating some sort of padding or prosthetic. An unedited portion of a video appears to show a person who looks nothing like Zhang Zhehan.

Many of the photos were posted by an account run by Lao Ahyi.
