Zhang Sanjian

Revision as of 00:13, 26 January 2023 by Administrator (talk | contribs)

张三坚, ZSJ, Zhang Sanjian is a virtual IP based upon Zhang Zhehan, created and operated without his consent. It is used primarily to promote the Shenzhen Baodengyuan teashop and the EHzZ brand of clothing and accessories. The legitimacy of the IP is vouched for by a number of questionable people. These include people who participated in the fake girlfriend smear (Lexus, Danny) and known con men (Peter Deng). It has expressed unprofessional views and behavior at odds with Zhang Zhehan's known personality. The many images and videos it has posted depict a "Zhang Zhehan" with heights, figures, facial structures, and features that vary day by day. Sometimes there are clear photo editing traces (head too small for body, face pasted in with distinct line around it, etc).

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Character Map


Social media accounts

The different Sanjians

  • Golf Jian
  • Gym Jian
  • Teashop Jian