ZSJ Shanghai Theatre Academy Sighting

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On Nov 26, 2022, Zhang Sanjian attended a graduation production at the Shanghai Theatre Academy, Zhang Zhehan's alma mater. At the end of the performance, he went on stage and took pictures with the cast and crew. Pictures and video were spread by 105度的我们 (a solo fansite), 回车诺比的梦x (one of the main ZSJ photo editors) and a fan of another actor, then quickly picked up and spread by antis. Some daipais were also selling photos. No other members of the audience posted that they saw Zhang Zhehan at the show. 105度的我们 and 回车诺比的梦 has since deleted the fancam and photos they posted.

The ZSJ IG account posted photos of the show a day later. The only photo with his face was a selfie with 洪彬. He later deleted this photo. In this IG post he quoted a song name "I dreamed a dream" (he originally wrote "I was dreaming a dream" then edited the post), replied to a comment to point out that it's a song, and told the commenter to go listen to it.

ZSJ handlers claim he was invited to view the performance and take photos on stage. They are directing all fans to praise Shanghai Theatre Academy. During the smear campaign last year, in which Zhang Zhehan was falsely accused of bribing his way into STA and cheating on his entrance exams, STA did not speak up to clarify for him.

Unconfirmed account from an STA student: "The director on stage never taught the 2008 musical class, he is not one of ZZH's teachers. Anyone can take photos on stage if they ask nicely."


Some photos and comparisons:

Adjacent to this event, details about an email that STA apparently wrote to an international fan can be found here.